I’ve been hearing lots of complaining about “Obamacare causing the cost of health care to rise.”   How sort are people’s memory?  The cost of health care  have been rising constantly for decades.  Heath care costs have risen slower in the past few years. The problem is that relative to income growth it has gotten worse. But to suggest the ACA caused the slowing of income has no foundation.  The truth to get the ACA passed, nearly all cost cutting measures were left out. Bernie Sanders is right, only by a single payer system can costs be cut. To cut costs, someone has to make less money. Now someone, but lots of someones, including doctors, lawyers, drug companies, insurance companies and a whole host of allied businesses. All have a huge financial stake in  keeping the gravy train flowing. That is why Bernie speaking of Never Never Land, not the USA.

For now, we aren’t going to do better than make tweaks to the ACA.  Which by the way is what Hillary is saying.
