TRUST IN MEDIA HITS ROCK BOTTOM  screams the headline on Huffington Post.  It goes on to say “Only 6 percent of people say they have a great deal of confidence in the press, about the same level of trust Americans have in Congress, according to a new survey released on Sunday.”

All I can do is wonder if the HuffPo editors have the slightest sense of self-awareness. After all their editorial position  openly and aggressively presents its leftist bias.

The article goes on to say “Alongside the dire findings, the report found respondents valued accuracy above all else, with 85 percent of people saying it was extremely important to avoid errors in coverage. Timeliness and clarity followed closely, with 76 percent and 72 percent respectively saying those attributes were imperative among media sources.”

Yet at the same time they make no apologies about their own spin they put on each and every story.  They don’t even try to be accurate or unbiased.  Do you remember when they said they would only report Trump campaign news in the entertainment section?

So, HuffPo helps create a train wreck, then decry the carnage.  How rich!